Wednesday, April 6, 2011


 what do we do when the kids spend the night at grandma's 2 nights in a row.  
we are not used to this... at all.  
it is ella's spring break so the were livin' it papa's and grandma's.  the first night we went to sushi at almost 8 pm.  we talked and talked and talked a little more.  sometimes it's hard to start and finish a conversation in one evening with the kids around.  then we perused our local book store.  we had fun.  the next morning we slept in a little and then surfed together.  that never happens.  usually we take turns or else i wimp out because it is too cold and just andy surfs.  i love surfing with andy.  i miss the days when we didn't even have to think about who surfs first and all that.  we just went out and had fun.  speaking of missing, although we were having fun together we sure did miss our little babies.  we checked in every couple of hours..."we are feeding the horses...we are at the movies...we are eating ice cream...we are at the park" i said, they were livin' it up with papa and grandma.  andy wanted to go visit them...uh, no.  we did some errands and got a couple of things done before we go on a little trip all together as a family next week.
 the second night we stayed in and made these yummy pizzas together.  
we cheated a little.  we love this pizza dough from TJ's.  it is so easy and amazingly delicious.  we threw some of our favorite toppings on...or should i say, my favorite toppings.  andy likes these also, but if it were up to him he would probably vote for some sausage or something.  i like it simple...tomatoes, basil and mozzarella cheese. 

i didn't even get a picture of it out of the oven because we were so hungry and it was gone in a flash.  
we weren't the only ones doing a little missing.  we got a call from my mom, with julian crying in the background.  he missed his mama and his daddy.  we were there in a flash to pick him up.  ella was doing just fine without us.

what do you do when the kiddos are at grandma's?


  1. How fun! My guy is too young to spend the night at the grandparents yet, but it will be a nice getaway in a year or so! We're FINALLY getting a Trader Joe's in our city (2, actually) and I can't wait. I'm not sure how we get along without them!

  2. The garlic & herb is my favvvvorite pizza dough!! Pizzas look delicious. :) and nice tattoos there, buddy!

  3. yumm yumm! i love trader joe's :)

  4. girl, i have no clue why im still shopping for pants, lol... recently, i have been wearing the same maxi skirt for who knows how many days now? i mean, i wear it when im out and about running errands.. its so easy to just slip on the skirt and sandals and a t-shirt.. so i should start looking for more maxi skirts instead of pants :) whats your favorite thing to wear when youre running errands? muah! hope your day is going well! xo

  5. That sounds wonderful! It's so great for the kids to be able to go to their grandparents, but it's so funny how we miss them when they are gone :)


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