Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Camera Love

I find I get the best shots just taking pictures of the kids or Andy doing their thing. If I try to set up some sort of shot there is no patience on their end and it does not look natural. Ella was so engrossed observing her little friend that she named Fretsy, I don't think she even noticed I was there.
So I have been trying different setting combinations and I think my favorite type of shot is when I have a shallow depth of field. I think I need a new lens...actually I know I do.
I can achieve the look I want in some shots, but like the one above I think an 85mm lens would have given me a nicer shot. Andy workin' on the wishbone. See, I do remember the names of some of these 'dirty hunks of metal'. Many, many years ago when I went to my very first car swap meet with Andy, that is what all of the car parts looked like to me and that's what I usually call them, 'dirty hunks of metal'. I can now distinguish what some parts are, but for the most part they still all look about the same.
They can make great subjects though.
Notice the new camera strap...inspired by the lovely ones by Shey B.
I love Ashley Ann's blog and photography. She often has great tips and short lessons on photography. Love it, they are great. Her above shots demonstrate exactly why I need a new lens.
Isn't her photography beautiful? Oh, I do love my camera.


  1. I love all your photographs. Someday, when I have some extra time I want to take another photography class...I used to know how to take cool pictures too!

  2. Hi!! I just wanted to stop by and say how cute your blog is!! I stumbeled across it through a friends and glad I did! very cute pics!

  3. Taking some classes is definitely on my list.


Thanks for stopping by!