Tuesday, April 3, 2012


 this past weekend we had one winter day and one summer day...i guess that equals spring??

we enjoyed a leisure bike ride while i froze my little tail end off.
it was freezing!!
we were on the look out for a snake.
andy had taken the kids on a bike ride on the trails a couple of days before and they had seen a 5 ft long snake slithering across the path.

we didn't find any snakes but we discovered a huge root protruding out of the ground that made the perfect jump for the kids.

on sunday it was blue skies and a puff a cloud here and there.
i wish weekends could last forever.

 ella is off for the next two weeks for spring break and we have quite a few things planned...
should be fun!!


  1. What a lovely family you have!

    Have a wonderful Spring Break!!

  2. I love these fun weekend pictures! And the pictures of your awesome gray moccasins fit right in! :)

  3. Two weeks off? Cool! This looks like a fun outing - love the pic of you and your guy. :)



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