Nap time for Julian.
Lemonade time for Ella.

Slowly letting go and letting Ella try things on her own and letting her accomplish tasks at her own speed, has been challenging and a time of growth for both of us. It's so much easier to do things myself because, well, I can do it a great deal faster and time is an often an issue.

I have found that the more I allow and the more she does, the more independent she becomes. In a good way. She is such a good helper and has claimed certain tasks, such as setting the table for meals, as her own. I love it.
So in come the lemons from our generous neighbors and from grandma's overflowing tree and it was definitely lemonade time. I sliced the lemons and she did the rest...juiced the lemons, poured the juice into the pitcher, added water, added sugar, mixed and mixed and mixed.
Thee best lemonade!

The best part was her pride in her lemonade. As soon as daddy walked through the door, he was greeted with a cold glass of lemonade and when she heard Julian wake up from his nap she was excited to share with him also.

I need to let go a little more.
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